All hikes meet at the Hitching Post. Some hikes are on land that is not available to the general public. We have negotiated use for campers this year, thanks to Michael Schramm. It is very important that we do not litter and that we remain on established trails/roads at all times. Because of the need to plan various fee payments and lunch schedules, you must sign up for most hikes the night prior to that hike at dinner. Several of these hikes have limits on the numbers of campers that can go. Note that the return time for hikes is a wild guess. Not all of the trails are rough and strenuous. Trail shoes or light boots should be adequate footwear. There is continuous exposure to sun at 6000ft and we recommend long sleeve shirts, loose-fitting clothes and a hat with a brim all the way around to cover the ears and neck. Sunscreen is recommended for all exposed areas. Shorts will be OK in that little brush should be encountered. Bring water plus a sport drink for all the long hikes. You also might want to bring an energy bar or energy gels. Early hikers will be able to grab stuff for breakfast in the dining hall prior to departure. If you would like to learn more about a particular hike, please ask our Hike Leader, Michael Schramm.Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute
An interpretive guide will hike with our group to present information about flora, fauna, indigenous cacti and local geology. We will descend into a canyon with unique geology and a spring. This hike is classified as moderately strenuous; duration is 3-4 hours and is about 2.6 miles long.Mount Arabella
Bush-Whacking Mount Arabella (HP) This has become a favorite hike within minutes of Prude Ranch. Catch the bus with Michael to his property, which is located in Limpia Crossing. Hike to the top of his mountain at your own pace and enjoy the 360-degree view. This two hour hike would be a good way to build your appetite for dinner or work off your lunch.Forest Bathe in Wolf Den Canyon
This is a new adventure in a familiar location. Come to a forest wilderness and create your own version of forest bathing. You will have an opportunity to be in nature on an accompanied, not guided, outing in a canyon that encompasses approximately four square miles. The group may disperse into pairs and roar the canyon or some may choose to follow the out and back trail and cover 2.5 to 3.5 miles. BRING A SACK LUNCH, snacks, 100oz of fluids (minimum) and your adventuresome spirit. We are going to have FUN! This hike is classified as easy or as strenuous as you make it. Limited to 30 hikers; sign up required. Estimated time back to camp is between 1-2 PM.Mount Livermore
We will take a bus to the trail head in the Davis Mountains Preserve. This is an incredible opportunity to climb the top of the second highest peak in the State of Texas. The hike is 7 miles long with an elevation increase of about 2100 feet. BRING A SACK LUNCH, snacks and 100oz of fluid. Hike will be approximately 8 hours. Sign up required.Historical Site Hike (Old Fort Davis)
Start at Davis Mountain State Park Interpretative Center and hike over the mountain to Historical Fort Davis. You will be bused to the Park and back from the Old Fort. Bring a snack. Duration is approximately 3 hours and is mildly strenuously. This has been a treat for many campers. You may be able to talk the driver and hike leader into getting ice cream afterwards.